miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014

Tofino Third Day



If you want go to Tofino, you should bring some extra money for do some activities or some hotels, THEY NEED A DEPOSIT, in some cases it could be expensive or cheap, like the rent of bicycles, the rnet is just around $25 per 2 days, but with the posid was $150, we didn´t know but the lady was very kind and she just said $100, we didnt have enough money.

If you travel to Vancouver to Tofino in bus/ferry, this could be around 8 hours. 

You could go there in summer, because we went there in this mounth and many time was just very foggy.

If you like do surfing you can find hotel very near to the sea.

Tofino is a good place for surfers, and the people who want learn how surfing.


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